Upload STATE RESALE EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE and Business License/Seller's Permit
In order to comply with State Tax Requirements, we need a STATE RESALE EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE for each state you plan on being exempt from sales tax in. Follow the link below to find the State form you need to use (not all states listed). The RESALE EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE is different than a Business License/Certificate, Retail Sales License, Sales Tax Permit, Reseller/Seller's Permit, W-9, etc. and generally must include the name of the supplier (Artec Industries) in the form. Some states require a new form filled out each year.
Additional documentation such as a Business License or Sellers Permit should be uploaded. This should be official documentation that you are a business and indicates you are intent on reselling aftermarket automotive products. Requests from businesses not related to aftermarket automotive may be rejected.
Thank you! We will get right on this and contact you. If you have questions on status, please feel free to call us.